A downloadable Snake for Windows

PASSWORD: corroded handcuffs

VERSION: 1.2.1 (now with a bot)

Key Bindings:

ESC:  exit

wasd\arrows: movement

SPACE: speed up

LSHIFT: slow down

R: reset

P: pause

O: activate\disactivate bot

F11:  screenshot

TAB: switch grid size

(1~5): switch themes

testing functions:

N: spawn new apple

L: grow

I: winning screen


Python Game, simply og snake but a "python" because its made in python lol, i made it in less that a day (~12hours of work) (ik, not great for such a simple program but in my defense i had to make everything from scratch) i made it so i can test on it some snake playing algorithms but im too tired to make them and i dont have the time so here's just the game, maybe if u pay me ill add a new color lol

NOTE: if u find a bug or it crashes or whatever please let me know (i didnt implement no error handeling or error logging functions so screenshot the error screen or just write the error in the comments )

Made withpygame
Average sessionA few minutes


Python Game (Snake).rar 22 MB
Python Game (Snake).zip 23 MB

Install instructions

PASSWORD: corroded handcuffs

How To Install:

download the .rar or .zip file and extract it (after the extraction do not move any files from the original folder they were extracted to)

Development log

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